Space for Learning: Indian Office by Indian Companies with International Profits?

I have worked/working with a few MDs and Directors of a few Indian companies as Human Resource Professional.

Their conversation and ideas always intrigued me. One of the very common discussions I come across is: How my employees could be of the best/updated knowledge?

On contrary to that my senses speaking to myself: What these business owners have done to make their employees be the best of knowledge?

To which they state: Training – On the job, Off the job, Sending for seminars, CEO & MD meet and greet, etc.

Me speaking to my senses: Really? You think it works the way you think it should?


In India, most of the business owners are focused on profit-making and do not pay much attention to make their assets more valuable/knowledgable.

Because for them they have hired the best knowledge source in the market and here goes the myth.

Knowledge is an ocean that has no end: updating it is the only method to keep it at the best.

The necessity of it: is what these business owners are most ignorant about.


How and when should your employee grow his knowledge?

You expect him to do the reading( books, articles, journals, world forums, BBC) in his after office time, in which he has already planned other home activities and his personal time with family that he gets after an 8-hour job turned 12-hour shift.

You don’t like to give this learning time in his office hour in which out of 8 hours;3-4 hour he wasted in your blah blah paperwork: Leave him exhausted

In outdated training pattern and trainer, In worthless boring seminars, he attends for attendance.

Indian Companies do not believe in creating a  space/area for learning because they still think employee wastes their precious time which they should be using for making profits.


What is this Learning Space I am talking about?

(1) I read somewhere that there are so many international companies who have 2-3 hours of compulsory time off between the job hours to have this learning/thinking hour time.

Google: The biggest examples that portray how to give creative space where you generate not only creative ideas but wake the sleepy brains too.

(2) I would also like to mention about Danish word “Hygge” gained popularity not only to make the home a cozy happy place but office too.

Read this cutest Hygge Office article:

Also, visit this website which I feel you should see the coolest offices across the globe and give a nice treat to your eyes :


Indian companies are still carrying the baggage of old thinking but expect global results

It is just the same as Indian society. We are western/modern in many ways but we are still expecting the same old taboos to be followed.

Indian Companies need to understand the urgency of updating their workspaces/ Learning space 


They can still be happily served by donkeys sitting all day long in cubical waiting for the slow death of retirement and let the company make a profit till the time watch lose its batteries.


PS: I would love to update this post, again and again, Keep reading and updating.


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